Friday, June 26, 2009


ePals is another Web2.0 tool that allows you to connect your classroom with others across the nation or across the globe. You can search for other classrooms by students' age, content, language, etc. ePals provides you with student email accounts, blogs, etc. that are free and easy to use. The tool also provides free translation in eight languages. The free email, SchoolMail, can be monitored by teachers, administrators, IT staff, etc. and can be set up to automatically block teasing, hate speech, sexual harassment, cursing, etc. It includes virus scanning, spam protection, and even a Spell-checker. The SchoolBlog allows you to set up classroom only portions, parent only portions, and public sections of your blog.
Suggested by Daniel Przbylski


Michael Gallagher said...

I see this as a great way to have students share their writing with other students. I find they are much more enthusiastic about writing if they know someone other than the teacher will read it.

Mrs. Vaughn said...

This is a wonderful way to improve writing and communication abilities of students. What a wonderful way for them to learn outside of their own box.

RMT said...
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RMT said...

This tool is an awesome way to connect with others in a safe environment. Students will really anticipate responses to their writings and take care to prepare their writings being full aware that others will be responding to it. What is really awesome is that you can "ePal" with people from places like China, once closed to outsiders.

selenewang said...

I like the idea of ePals. I explored the site and found out there are many English teachers from China are looking for collaboration with other classes around the world, primarily for their students to communicate in English. I used to teach English in a middle school in China. I know many of my colleagues have Internet access. I will tell them about this site. Also I may ask my ESL students to use this site to find students like them who are English learners in other countries.

crazyteacher21 said...

What a great way to learn about another culture! Children identify well with same age peers, no matter where they live in the world. Learning about another person's culture is more than just knowing about their homeland and statistics. Students can gain true knowledge about how same age peers from other countries live on a daily basis. They can share their struggles, concerns, cultural traditions, and simply chat for fun.I would like to look into ePals a little further and discuss the possible use of it in my classroom next year.

Elizabeth Murphy said...

A new twist on an old idea -- I love it. Students can share their culture and customs across thousands of miles. The sky's the limit. The outcomes are numerous - improved writing skills, knowledge gained, horizons broadened, and diversity celebrated! I'll use it.

Shavonne Valentine said...

This a wonderful tool to use wth students of all ages. actually took a professional development on epals and learned so many cool ways you can use this in your classroom. I also like the security features that it provids. It makes sure the students are usng it appropriately. I currently use it in my class and th students love it. It heps improve their writing and fluency at the same time.

dmoran said...

Great way for students to get a true feeling about students in other countries and their education and traditions. Love the translation part. Especially great for students taking a foreign language.

Barbara Tucker said...
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Barbara Tucker said...

I really think this is an important tool for socialization. Since we are teaching students in the era of social networking where everyone has a facebook or myspace account, which are not the safest places to find friends, this is a nice alternative. This will connect students all over the globe and allow them to learn about what other schools, cultures, and students are like and keep them safe. I could use this to assist my students with finding a pen pal in another country and encourage daily communication to help ease them into the world of social networking.